The Client: The Community Health Center
The Community Health Center is a certified home-care agency located in New York. The organization has been in business for over 35 years providing clinical sources such as physical therapy and nursing to patients in a home setting. They are non-profit that supports rural communities across seven different counties In New York.
The Challenge
Since the Community Health Center serves rural New York, clients face difficulties accessing their services. To resolve this issue, the organization uses vans to travel to patients. This reduces hospital re-admissions for non-emergent care and allows patients to seek care without needing a relative for support.
The Journey
When the Community Health Center sought a solution for their problem, they encountered various obstacles. Firstly, the project that the Community Health Center was facilitating was called CORE-Home Care, or Consolidation Opportunities to Restore Efficiencies in Home Care. The Community Health Center received a grant from a program called the NYS-Statewide Health Care Facility Transformation Program II. The organization sourced out bids, but all the options were out of the grant’s price range. The Community Health Center ultimately contracted with a retired engineer who drew up specifications and researched sources that would meet the needs of CHC. Through this process, the Community Health Center connected with Gonomix who presented options to fit their specifications.
The Solution
The Results
Since utilizing their mobile office in April 2021, the number of patients CHC is able to reach remotely has increased. Millie stated that “We can get to our patients and treat them before they have a critical event”. By using Gonomix’s mobile office products, CHC is able to adhere to their grant and access patients with the equipment and supplies that they need. One of the biggest accomplishments for the Community Health Center was its grant award, which was won on different merits. One of these merits was the mobile office unit. Additionally, the CHC has been able to partner with various agencies that specialize in hospice care and homes for the aging. The company has been able to further expand its reach and increase business. Millie stated that she would recommend Gonomix to others since “they were wonderful to deal with and the product was quality. It’s great and the cost is efficient”.
"If Gonomix didn’t provide everything to our specifications, we wouldn’t have had the opportunity to serve as many patients in their homes." -Millie Ferriter